Subject: Re: console video problems
To: John F. Woods <>
From: Jan-Hinrich Fessel <oskar@zappa.unna.Ping.DE>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/26/1995 22:32:43
In message <>you write:
->Interesting. Late last week, after recompiling my kernel I found that
->when X started up, I had nothing but garbage on the screen. I had been
->with INSECURE turned on (so that /dev/mem would work) and during that
->reboot I forced the graphics card into "mode 0". I believe there is no
That sane thing happened to me and I proceeded just like you did.
I had no luck recompiling the aprerture driver and so I just reverted to
insecure /sbin/init (instead of insecure kernel, but the effect is the same)
Will there ever be the possibility of running X on i386 without sacrifying
kernel security?
Tragbar ist, was nicht herunterfaellt.