Subject: Current binaries executing on 1.0
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Chris Perleberg <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/17/1995 22:51:04
My development machine is NetBSD current, and I'd like to generate
executables (statically linked) that will execute on NetBSD 1.0. Recently
I've discovered that my current executables core dump on 1.0. Is there any
way for me to configure my NetBSD current machine so that it generates
executables that can run on 1.0? I believe the problem is a change in the
structure of system calls between current and 1.0. Is there any configuration
option that forces the use of 1.0 system calls in current?
If I have to return to 1.0, are there any difficulties in making the
transition from current to 1.0?
Thanks for any help,
Chris Perleberg