Subject: Re: Where did GENERICAHA and GENERICBT go?
To: Chris G Demetriou <Chris_G_Demetriou@LAGAVULIN.PDL.CS.CMU.EDU>
From: Greg Spiegelberg <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/17/1995 11:19:44
Chris G Demetriou said something not totally unlike...
|> |Wow. And I thought the 820K kernel I run with was porky. :-)
|> Has anyone put any thought into a compressed kernel similiar to what
|> linux does? It's not a bad setup especially if you like to boot your
|> test kernels from floppy.
|(1) no one should ever be running a kernel that large "in real life."
|(2) compressing your kernel makes a lot of other things harder.
|getting a machine installed is a very special case, and should be
|handled accordingly.
True, but in real life you have to expect the unexpected. SunOS kernels
I deal with can range from 1 to 2.5 Meg, IRIX 5 kernels from 1.8 to 3
Meg, my Linux at home can easily be 1 meg uncompressed. My point is that
it's be nice.
Compressing the kernel can't be that difficult.
1 - boots
2 - loads a mini-root with compression utils instead of true kernel
3 - mini-root loads appropriate kernel from disk and uncompresses on the fly.
It might prolong the initial portion of the bootup sequence but it could
be worth it. I rarely deal with "vanilla" systems and don't believe in
such beasties. Here's my home system as an example...
486dx2-66 VLB overclocked to ~81MHz, 1 1522 SCSI controller with 2 drives,
1 IDE controller w/ 2 drives, a 4 floppy controller and 4 floppy drives
(why? I had the card :), sound blaster, 4 com ports, 2 parallel, 2 game,
diamond stealth pro, and so on. And I'd still like to upgrade my video,
get a scsi tape drive, possibily a different scsi controller and, again,
so on.
Vanilla is boring. I'd be happy to give the boot routine w/ compression
a try when I get back from vacation (next tuesday) and with a little
support. Ought to get BSD back on the system too... oops, thinking out-
load again...
Greg "TwoTone" Spiegelberg I'm not mental...
SAIC UNIX/Netware Computer Type Guy I'm just on higher philosophical plane, so GET OFF MY BACK!
#include <linux/std_disclaimer.h>