Subject: More WordPerfect 6.0 problems
To: Charles M. Hannum <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/01/1995 15:11:35
Okay, it mostly works now, but there are a few problems. First,
every time it runs, it says:
Name: form
Class: XmForm
Bailed out of edge synchronization after 10,000 iterations.
Check for contradictory constraints on the children of this form.
And then, presumably as a result of this, the main editing window
turns out to be normal width but about 11000 pixels high. From looking
at the ktrace, several reads preceding the printing of the error fail
18404 xwp CALL read
18404 xwp RET read -1 errno 11 Resource deadlock avoided
The other problem is that an error dialog comes up and says:
Cannot create a new process: You may have exceeded either the user
or system limit for the number of active processes. Or the executable
may not be found in its proper directory.
I cranked my limits up to 404 processes, 32M data, 4M stack, and got
the same error message. At the time the dialog came up, there were
54 processes on the system and 32 megs of free swap. xwp's VSIZE was
only 8M. There are only 2 fork calls in the whole ktrace, and both of
them succeed.
It looks from the ktrace that the cause of this error is actually that
it couldn't open the fifo: /tmp/wpc-weaver.t/excmsg60
18404 xwp NAMI "/emul/ibcs2/tmp/wpc-weaver.t/excmsg60"
18404 xwp NAMI "/tmp/wpc-weaver.t/excmsg60"
18404 xwp RET open -1 errno 6 Device not configured
FIFOs are configured in my kernel, and I just tested them and they
work on /tmp.
I can provide my ktrace.out and/or an account on my system if you like.
Happily, I've got a fast network link for the moment.
Email: | Brown University
PGP Key: finger | Dept of Computer Science