Subject: Re: x-windows and caps lock
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Wayne Berke <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/24/1995 07:54:10
In message <>, Ken Hornstein write
> >Does anyone know of a simple way to get the caps lock LED to be
> >toggled only when I hit the control key (which is mapped under
> >x-windows to behave like the cap-lock key ) ?
> It's not simple, but I don't think it would be very hard to hack pccons to
> switch the meaning of caps lock and control around.  That way it would solve
> the LED problem, and it would work from the console as well.

Apparently not all keyboards need this drastic fix.  My caps_lock LED follows
whatever key it's been mapped to by xmodmap.  I'm using the Microsoft