Subject: SB/16 woes
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Rafal Boni <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/08/1995 00:19:35
[Apologies if you've seen this in the recent past... I sent out a similar query
a while back but didn't see it go out on the list...]
Having succumbed to the need to wake up my roommates with the sounds of shotgun
blasts, I recently bought a Soundblaster/16 card. The card works under Messy-
DOG and Windoze just fine, but seems to "forget" its' configuration as soon as
I boot NetBSD.
I had the chance to play with a SB/16 previously, but it was one of the old,
jumperable cards that I borrowed from work.... The card I now have is one of
the almost-jumperless cards...
Anyway, having said that, the exact problem is this: The card seems to forget
what its' soft-configurable settings are, and hence generates no (?) IRQs
[at least on the IRQ channel it's been assigned.] As a result, one cannot
use the card to do anything :-( Putting a diagnostic printf into the sbintr
routine confirms my suspicion, as nothing ever gets printed.
Here's the soft config:
Sb/16 at 0x220, MIDI at 0x330, IRQ 5, 8-bit DMA ch. 1, 16-bit DMA ch 5
Any info what magic phrases I need to utter appreciated...
+--------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------+
| In search of the stress-strain relationship governing |/| Rafal Boni |
| students of mechanics... Experimentally. |\| |
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