Subject: Re: ethernet card performance and support
To: George Michaelson <>
From: Andrew Gillham <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/27/1995 22:59:07
> NE2100 clone on VLB using le0, 486/100 -> DEC 5000/240 Ultrix
> over busy mildly ethernet (10-15% base load) 400kbytes/s
> I think a 32-bit datapath helps, as does base clockspeed but i think
> this one should have done better. Any ideas?
One thing I always do is "put junk /dev/null" several times to get
an idea of the maximum throughput. Some cards seem to have problems
when you are writing to disk while the network is active. (which is
most of the time!) If you ftp to /dev/null you should get an idea
of you peak ethernet throughput. Seems like the 3c507 and 3c509
have some problems with this. (driver problems I would say)
I shouldn't get about 800K ftping to /dev/null and about 100K ftping
to a rather fast scsi drive. On my suns here at work, ftping to
/dev/null is usually slower than ftping to the filesystem!
Oh well, you get what you pay for!