Subject: Re: Problems
To: Max Bell <>
From: Alaric <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/21/1995 13:59:49
On Sat, 21 Jan 1995, Max Bell wrote:
> }From: Alaric <>
> }Subject: Problems
> [. . .]
simple question, can I suppress the banner pages, permanently?
> I had the same problem on my system. I also tried recompiling a few
> kernels before delving into the lpt.c device driver code. I fixed the
hehehe, I'm not much of a coder
In fact I don't know any more about C than how to recognize it from
fortran/basic/assembly :)
> problem by changing the bitmask used by the control port test -- it
> included bits like "paper out" which my printer apparently didn't allow
I get a paper-out error message whenever it's off-line (that is after I got
the port to be recognized by yanking the cable)
This is actually a useful feature, occasionally I have a mis-feed on the
paper and I can't see that part of the printer from this perspective.
> to be driven from the computer's side of the line. With my new mask value,
> it is recognized at boot and prints fine as lpa0 (lpt0 works mostly, but
> drops characters every so often [which is a real pain when printing
> GhostScript :-]). I will check the code this evening and email the new
Interesting, I printed the "" file several times (all-graphic)
and it threw a "p" in there once
please do send the code.
> value and the involved source line.
> [. . .]
> }Why does the keyboard driver take my backspace key as a ^?
> I don't know about this one. Have you tried 'stty erase ^h'? One thing I'd
stty doesn't affect the keyboard driver, only how certain characters
are interpreted. The keyboard driver was taking key ... "backspace" and
returning the /177 (delete) value when it should have been sending /010
I re-compiled the kernel with this simple change and it should be fine now.
(maybe, I haven't tried it yet. :)
> like to see is the ability to format floppies under NetBSD (yes, I know you
> can buy them preformatted, that's not the point).
I don't deal with floppies too much really,
I assume you mean putting a dos fs onto a new floppy.
what about getting a floppy, and using one of those "rawwrite" type programs
to put a "blank" disk image onto it?
Beyond that I can't think of anything.
Alaric, | Archery: A deeply seated hatred of paper with bright
Mka Brandon Reed | coloured circles printed on it.|