Subject: Re: NetBSD/DOS on same disk...
To: Ken Hornstein <>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/1995 10:30:41
I should point out that chastising somebody for not getting what they
need out of the INSTALL document isn't particularly fair. I had to
read it quite a few times to get anywhere, and even so, I missed stuff
that Stu picked up on, and I picked up on stuff that he missed. I
generally think of both Stu and myself as being fairly savvy
unix-literate individuals.
Rather than spending energy being defensive about a preliminary
document, it would be better to spend that same energy working on
improving the documentation so that a newbie doesn't have to read it
over three times to even get started.
Ted Lemon
+1 415 477 5045
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