Subject: NCR SCSI q's
To: None <port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/10/1995 10:50:20
I tried to equip my NetBSD-i386 (1.0release) box with some SCSI adapter
today, thought it would be a good idea to go for a NCR 53C815 card
since my UMC8810AIO board does not have SDMS support (for OS/2).
Unfortunately this controller wasn't recognized by the kernel (I thought it
should because the 53C815 is claimed to be compatible with the 53C810 ?
Or do I mix something up here ?).
Nevertheless, I tried a adapter with 53C810 on it and it worked with
NetBSD but I cannot boot of the SCSI disk (due lack of SDMS BIOS ?), only
use it when NetBSD is up and running. This yields only unsatisfying
transfer rates (approx. 500 k/sec with Quantum LPS 340S drive, measured
via dd). This seems reasonable for polled I/O but not DMA transfers ?
So the question is: Is there any chance to get the 53C815 equipped card to
work with NetBSD ?