Subject: Re: PCI M/Bs and SCSI...
To: None <>
From: Charles M. Hannum <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/06/1995 21:10:52
I've seen a nicely manufactured [&] 486 that has 4 PCI, 1 VLB, 3 ISA
with Intel chipset.
This sounds like the ASUS/AUStek PCI/I-486 SP3G. I've been hearing a
lot of good things about these boards, though I haven't used one
- does netbsd work well with the NCR PCI scsi?
It worked well for me last time I used it (on an Intel Pentium box).
It works for other people.
I currently have
an AHA 1542CF which I know is the bottleneck (my DEC RZ26 disk
is definately faster than the 1400K/s I currently get)
Or the file system parameters are abysmal.
- I assume that the PCI scsi does NOT have the 16MB limitations
that the AHA1542 has?
No, it does not.
PS: Cost is AU$215 for M/B, and AU$110 for card, [...]
Does that include the CPU and/or memory?