Subject: Error Message: "trap: Sigaction system call failed"
To: None <>
From: Max Bell <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/08/1994 22:57:55
While trying to compile msql-3.0-beta on my i386 NetBSD-1.0 (from the dual-
floppies only installation disks) system, I got the error message: "trap:
Sigaction system call failed" when trying to "make all" after running the
"setup" script. "./makegen/makegen" then repeatedly reports the same error
and then the make fails. I checked the msql directory tree but found no
match on the error message, so I suspect it is from the kernel? If anyone
has any suggestions as to the issuer of the error message (msql vs kernel)
or to what I should do about it, I would be glad to hear them. Otherwise
I will continue to try tracking it down and post back if I solve it. Thanks
in advance for any help!