Subject: Random hangs
To: port-hpcsh list <>
From: None <>
List: port-hpcsh
Date: 01/10/2006 10:49:17
I finally got my hp620 to run NetBSD (with Xwindows!)

I have a few issues though and I was wondering if it's just something I'm 
missing or if they're known issues.

The first is that when booting, if I don't check "Save to log" in 
hpcboot.exe it starts booting and just stops... never actually boots the 
kernel, and I can keep using windows ce. It's as if hpcboot gets stuck 
waiting for something and just goes off into never never land.

If I check "Save To Log" then everything is happy and it boots... but so 
far 50% of the time it gets to "Updating motd" and hangs there... no 
keyboard response, no nothing... it just stays frozen there until I reset 
the machine. Does anyone know what this is?

The only other issue I ran into is that when exiting Xwindows the system 
reported an I/O error and stopped accepting input from the keyboard.

If anyone knows anything about these issues, please let me know.
