Subject: startx : Fatal server error: Can't set keyboard mode
To: None <>
From: Alain Robillard <>
List: port-hpcsh
Date: 12/13/2004 09:43:52

I have successfully installed both 1.6 and 2.0 RC4 (both binary sets) on my 
Jornada 680 equiped with a 256 MB CF card.  But on neither can I start Xhpc. 
  Each time I get the now (for me) famous error message :

"Fatal server error: Can't set keyboard mode"

I tried with root and with a new user.  I chmod /dev and /tmp to 1777.  I 
tried with parameter -- -dev /dev/ttyE0  and  other stuff I can't remember 
but nothing helped.  NetBSD from the console works flawlessly.

Any of you had this type of error ?

Thanks !
