Subject: Re: -current (4.99.29) on Z50
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 09/26/2007 13:28:15
> The microdrive's timer consequently seems to be 5 or 10 _seconds_...!
> [...]

I haven't noticed any such issues with my z50.  Noise - I have to put
my ear within an inch or so of the microdrive to tell whether it's
spinning by noise.  Shock safety - it's quite rare that the thing is
running when it's other than on my lap or on some kind of stable
support like a table, but of course all it takes is once.  Access
latency - now that's the one I notice, though I'm not noticing the
kinds of problems you describe, like generating false autorepreat from
the lockup; the sort of thing I notice more is stuff like typing ls and
getting very slow response the first time.  It actually feels like
stuff getting swapped out, and for all I know it may actually be; I've
worked with low-RAM machines enough that I know what it feels like for
the shell to get paged out whenever it's idle for longer than a handful
of seconds.

The thing I notice most is that, when I'm hitting the disk hard (eg,
building a kernel), it gets hot.  It gets warm enough when touching the
case outside the CF bay that I wonder if I should be worrying about the
disk itself....

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