Subject: Re: Installation troubles with NetBSD 2.0.2 on z50
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: Florian Cramer <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 09/07/2005 18:32:36
Am Mittwoch, 07. September 2005 um 09:18:34 Uhr (-0700) schrieb Andy Ruhl:
> If I'm reading this correct, those sector counts are WAY off, if both
> are total sector counts. The one from the thinkpad seems even more
> wrong? Strange.
Well, the one from the Thinkpad is a Disklabel sector count, but the
disklabel was generated during installation in the z50.
> Are you plugging the card directly into the z50, and
> using some kind of card reader on the thinkpad?