Subject: Re: How to start X11?
To: None <>
From: Robin L. <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/16/2005 13:19:29
ok, this is so silly, but I think I found the problem ... sort of. I mixed
up the install sets and kinda used 1.6.2 + 2.0 tgz sets together!! Its a
surprised that I managed to actually install and boot up!
Well, reinstalling with 2.0 sets ... will posted.
"Robin L." <> wrote in message
> Thanks! :) ... let me reboot into NetBSD and try that out. Hopefully I
> find that file ... or else I might try reinstalling only the X11 package
> once more.
> ""Ricardo L. A. Bánffy"" <> wrote in message
>> "find / -name ''" should do (it exists on GNU/* - no BSD box
>> around right now, at least)
>> I was musing with "man ls" but then I realized I am on a Debian box and a
>> lot of little stuff is quite different between BSD and the GNU tools
>> (Linux is, after all, only a kernel) so any advice I could have given
>> would probably be useless. I suspect you can "ls | grep" your way out of
>> this, but can't tell you exactly how.
>> When it comes to BSD, I am a newbie.
>> Robin L. wrote:
>>> What I found out as well is that the file "" cannot be found
>>> in the /usr/X11/lib/ directory.
>>> btw, what's the command for search or find? ;)
>>> Thx!
>>> Robin