Subject: Re: Mobile Pro + NetBSD as a commandline PDA?
To: M. Warner Losh <>
From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Mattias_Sandstr=F6m?= <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/30/2004 01:40:37
M. Warner Losh wrote:
> My mp780's backlight goes out and other power things are shut down.

my 770 seems to shut down almost completely (not to the deepest state 
because of the rom issue of course). the screen goes black, the 
microdrive spins down, and "nothing works". and it makes the battery 
last at least 30 hours (i haven't tried longer). i use my own zzz script 
that i have set up to run with sudo without a password to shut down the 
network and such before putting the device to sleep. thanks a lot to all 
who helped me with that. works great.

(the microdrive spinning up and down constantly is killing me though. 
when will 512 meg flash cards be affordable?)
