Subject: Re: Reconfiguration of wireless card
To: None <>
From: Miles Nordin <carton@Ivy.NET>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 05/16/2003 10:23:30
>>>>> "ak" == Ajai Khattri <> writes:

    ak> I am using DHCP 

# /etc/rc.d/dhclient restart

There is some client-server spaghetti for controlling the new ISC DHCP
stuff that you could probably set up to kick the client without
restarting it, but this is probably easier.

If you are using IPv6 then you need some way to kick rtsold so you
don't have to wait as long for the interface to come back.  maybe
'ifconfig wi0 down up' or something?  I haven't been using IPv6 very

We will defend our work of peace on other targets of opportunity with
global hawk predator drones.  This long and expected war will have the
gratitude, and for your gratitude you have the sacrifices and forces
of respect.	-- Bush II