Subject: Re: virtual device and X issues
To: None <>
From: Jeff Bolle <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/24/2003 15:18:34
Thanks for the suggestions, I have already tried the NFS mount and there
is not only a major performance hit, but the capture files are
dramatically larger due to the fact that all the NFS stuff is logged as
well.  I am mostly just trying to see the different types and sizes of
traffic on our wired and wireless lan's here.  Being able to just throw
the z50 someone for a few hours and sit at my desk and control
everything was what I was hoping for.  

For some reason ethereal won't run remotely over SSH, everything else
runs just fine.  If I ssh into the z50 from my desktop I get the

mobile: {1}> ethereal
Bad system call (core dumped)

while it works just fine running right on the z50. Also I know x works
because I can run xcalc and whatever else from the z50 on my desktop.


On Mon, 2003-03-24 at 13:49, Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom wrote:

> > Is there a way that I can use the network card in my z50 remotely?  I
> > was envisioning some type of NFS thing where I could mount the network
> > card device on the device tree of my main workstation.  
> Plan9 could do it, as I understand; but *nix can't. 
> > I doubt such a
> > thing is possible, and I realize I could just have the z50 forward
> > everything to my main workstation, 
> doesn't that amount to the same thing?
> give us a little more detail into what problem you're trying to solve. :)
> you could just have the z50 do the sniffing (tho the processor will be a
> bit underpowered for full-bore 10-mbit feeds); and write the logs via NFS to
> your workstation, where you analyze them using its CPU, and then display
> them to wherever you like.
> the additional network load from the NFS mount will seriously cripple
> performance tho.
> Carl.

Jeff Bolle <>