Subject: Re: More Mobilepro Questions
To: Steve Edwards <>
From: Todd T. Fries <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/13/2003 06:09:43
Not that I've ever used X on a Mobilepro, but knowing abit about x in general,
I'd like to suggest that perhaps /var/log/XFree86.0.log might be a good place
to look for hints on what went wrong...
Todd Fries ..
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(last updated 2003/03/07 07:34:00)
Penned by Steve Edwards on Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:33:22AM +0000, we have:
| OK, I had a play again last night...
| I didn't get as far as re-compiling the kernel, I think this would take a while!
| I've moved the kernel into the DOS partition and cleared out a lot of things that
| I didn't think I'd need, so I've got a bit of room left now.
| After a re-istall I get no errors any more... Yay!
| But
| I still can't get X to start...
| If I run startx or X -broadcast (which is what I really want to run), it seems to
| execute the command OK, but then the shell prompt returns but I am unable to use
| the keyboard.
| I have to reset the machine to get it back.
| Am I missing something?
| Cheers
| Steve
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