Subject: Re: BE-300?
To: Ajai Khattri <>
From: Todd T. Fries <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/12/2003 12:59:31
I knew CE-300 was not specifically listed as supported. It would appear I've
run into the first burp in the process of making it work. I wonder, is it
the app that requires greater the 7mb of memory or would a shaved down
kernel perhaps allow me to sneak in under the memory footprint requirements
for booting?
Todd Fries ..
Free Daemon Consulting Land: 405-748-4596 Mobile: 405-203-6124
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(last updated 2003/03/07 07:34:00)
Penned by Ajai Khattri on Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 01:38:36PM -0500, we have:
| On Wed, Mar 12, 2003 at 12:20:08PM -0600, Todd T. Fries wrote:
| > I will continue searching for the faq you speak of and the control panel
| > you speak of, my PDA software has a 'settings' but no control panel that I
| > can find, and there seems to be no initially apparent way to increase
| > memory for applications.
| Im not familiar with the BE-300 but I thought it was a WinCE device and most
| WinCE devices have some settings somewhere to set how much RAM is used for
| aps and how much as disk space. I assumed most WinCE devices have this but
| maybe Im wrong for WinCE 3.0 devices?
| > If you could mention the exact url, I've browsed documents from port/hpcmips
| > to no avail..
| The best install doc is on the FTP site for hpcmips:
| Relevant quote from "Installing the NetBSD System" section:
| "The NetBSD/hpcmips kernel and system install consume about 7 MB of memory.
| Please configure the Windows CE memory setting to allow this amount of memory
| to be used. If bootloader failed with a ``cannot allocate heap'' error,
| configure more RAM for memory and less for disk with the dialog at
| [Setting]->[ControlPanel]->[System]->[Memory] under Windows CE."
| BTW, the BE-300 isn't specifically listed as a supported platform and I don't
| know how similar it is to other Casio devices. It might need some work to get
| it going... maybe some developers can answer this question better than me?
| --
| .jA
| repoleveD \ .nimdA smetsyS