Subject: POwermanagment and Display calibration in 1.5.3rc1
To: None <>
From: Sven Cronenberg <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/18/2002 18:23:27
Hi !
I tried the 1.5.2 Relase von Netbsd hpcmips on my mobilepro 770. QUit
impressive, but to be realy suitable in the mobile use, I miss two features:
- Powrmangament and especially the Power-Button, Brightening and darkening
the display
- STyles calibration for the X-server
I would like to know if there are any improvemnets in that fields in the
new relase candidate or in the current verion of the hpcmips kernel.
* Sven Cronenberg Tel.: 030/627 292 33 *
* Weisestr. 49 Mobil: 0171/353 653 8 *
* 12049 Berlin Fax: 01212/5159 83196 *
* *
* EMail: *