Subject: Re: IBM Microdive and a z50
To: None <>
From: Russell McManus <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 02/22/2002 11:37:21
Mikel Waxler <> writes:
> Also after the install WinCE wants to format the entore 340mb drive
> into 1 partition despiste that face that I left a 40mb dos
> partition.
'Tis true that WinCE wants to format the drive after you first pop it
in the z50 after installing NetBSD. Let it; WinCE will only format
the windows partition, and it will leave your NetBSD partition alone
(this is at least what it did for me).
You will then have to recopy pbsdboot.exe onto the disk, and after
this, voil=E1, everything should work.