Subject: Re: Z50 support questions.
To: Mikel Waxler , HpcMIPS <>
From: Andrew Diller <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 01/25/2002 13:11:03
--On Thursday, January 24, 2002 9:28 PM -0500 Mikel Waxler 
<> wrote:

> Finally what speeds do flash disks peak at? Mostly curiosity here, but I
> can ftp at about 400k from a switched machine and was wondering what was
> limiting the speed? CPU, ne driver or cf disk?

Apparently, 2.4MB/sec.

The 16X-speed 1GB Professional Series card clocks a sustained write speed 
of 2.4MB per second and has a suggested list price $1,199.


andy diller