Subject: Re: dillo: small, fast browser now available in pkgsrc
To: None <>
From: Ben Wong <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 12/11/2001 12:44:25
>>>>> "Carl" == Carl Wilhelm Soderstrom <> writes:

    Carl> 	actually, there's a site in Russia that has a
    Carl> 'patch-o-matic' for it; and there's patches there for at
    Carl> least cookies and ssl. don't remember the site myself; but
    Carl> if you can search the mailing list archives for it, it
    Carl> should be findable.

Nifty. Thanks for pointing that out, that's good to know about.
However, it looks like the patches will be incorporated in to the
official dillo source tree soon so, unless there's a large demand, I
won't add the patches to our pkg.

    Carl> thanks a lot for making the package! :)

You're very welcome.


Benjamin Wong				College of Computing and GVU				Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Student				Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0280