Subject: Re: hpcmips binary pkgs on
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 10/15/2000 20:22:46
On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Hubert Feyrer wrote:

: > And I really wish hpcmips would put their
: > binary packages in /pub/NetBSD/packages/ rather than in /pub/NetBSD/arch/
: > since binary packages are currently the one thing I don't mirror.
: Can someone pf tje port-hpcmips folks please look into moving the hpcmips
: binaries to the place they should be? Thanks!

These binaries should be going into /pub/NetBSD/packages/<RELEASE>/mipsel/
(since the binaries can be shared with pmax, etc.).

/pub/NetBSD/arch should be reserved for snapshots of -current (not release
branches), specially patched binaries, special system tools, and similar

-- Todd Vierling <>  *
-- Speed, stability, security, and support.  Wasabi NetBSD:  Run with it.