Subject: Looking for advice on hpc models?
To: None <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 08/09/2000 15:56:02

I'm going to be nomadic for most of August and September (travel to
NZ, Sweden, and Europe).  All my pmaxes will be in storage, so I'm
thinking about geting an hpcmips device for doing some mips
development while on the road, with NFS to an i386 laptop.
I'd prefer a palm-size formfactor rather than subnotebook.

The other item I'd really like is audio. the laptop I have has a
Yamaha audio chip which isn't yet supported.  Several of the models
on the hpcmips page list audio capability. On which (if any) of the
US-available models, does NetBSD support audio? 
(Is pc-card audio an option?)

Thanks in advance for any help!
