Subject: Re: Minor problems with R430
To: Todd Whitesel <>
From: Terry Mathews <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 07/20/2000 21:58:12
I don't remember the cause. But the Rev 0 and 1 roms would mess up if you
typed real quickly it was something wrong with the adb controller.
----- Original Message -----
From: Todd Whitesel <>
To: Terry Mathews <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2000 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: Minor problems with R430
> > I don't remember why this happened, but didn't Apple have this problem
> > the Apple ][gs? I think it had to do with DMA.
> That is extremely unlikely. The only DMA products available for the ][gs
> were high-speed (relatively speaking) SCSI controllers. And I would
> have heard about it during my ][gs hacking days, but I certainly don't
> anything like this.
> ObHpcmips: I get this "extra key" phenomenon too, on my workpad z50.
> in my case, the extra character just about always an ESC, so it throws me
> into edit mode in tcsh/vi, which is a little confusing but as I get used
> it, it's less of a problem.
> Smells like a console driver bug. I did just upgrade to 1.5ALPHA, and I
> remember it occurring before that.
> Todd Whitesel
> toddpw @