Subject: Re: Minor problems with R430
To: Terry Mathews <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 07/20/2000 18:40:09
> I don't remember why this happened, but didn't Apple have this problem with
> the Apple ][gs? I think it had to do with DMA.
That is extremely unlikely. The only DMA products available for the ][gs
were high-speed (relatively speaking) SCSI controllers. And I would probably
have heard about it during my ][gs hacking days, but I certainly don't recall
anything like this.
ObHpcmips: I get this "extra key" phenomenon too, on my workpad z50. Except
in my case, the extra character just about always an ESC, so it throws me
into edit mode in tcsh/vi, which is a little confusing but as I get used to
it, it's less of a problem.
Smells like a console driver bug. I did just upgrade to 1.5ALPHA, and I don't
remember it occurring before that.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @