Subject: Re: another z50 success!
To: None <>
From: Jun Ebihara <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/31/2000 00:14:52
From: Todd Whitesel <>
Subject: another z50 success!
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2000 07:19:31 -0800 (PST)

> So now my z50 is stretching its legs by building tcsh. Wheee...
> Is it possible to suspend these things yet? It would be nice to take it on
> the road without the clock getting reset.

On NetBSD-current,CPU power-management almost working.
to suspend LED controller,kick LCD controller.
on Z50,ITE8181E chip control LCD such as Hardware cursor.

more information: 

> I'm probably going to have to reformat the partition with better newfs
> parameters, but if there is a real way to deal with the bad blocks, I'd
> rather do that first.	"Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?"

no idea.anyone else have?

> Oh no! It just panic'd in cc1 with a kernel mode bus error! sigh...
> The kernel had no symbols so all I see are lots of hex numbers in 'trace'.
> trap: bus error (load or store) in kernel mode
> status=0x7f02, cause=0x81c, epc=0x80155f08, vaddr=0xc1668000
> pid=1373 cmd=cc1 usp=0x7ffffa60 ksp=0xc1ebcdf8
> Stopped in cc1 at	0x80155f08:	lhu	v0,0(s5)
> db>

I still compile pkgsrc staff now.
z50+slim scsi+30G HDD(ATA->SCSI)+Zircom CF.
current status puts on
almost 163 packages are here.
I'll put packages once a day.
jun ebihara