Subject: Re: pbsdboot from command line?
To: Castor Fu <>
From: Warner Losh <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 12/06/1999 11:32:58
In a message posted to linuxce-devel by (Jay Carlson), he
states the following, which I've not had time to try.  Can you give it
a shot and let us know the results?

	Looking at the October archives it appears that Has anybody
	tried the Casio CF autorun trick on other platforms?  I've
	been using it happily and it might be a general WinCE feature
	not just for a single vendor.  (short summary: on a CF card,
	create a directory \CE\r4100, place an executable
	"autorun.exe" there and it will run whenever the card is

One would presume that there is a \CE\r3900 for the Nano and other
39xx based machines, and others for the non-mips based machines.
