Subject: Re: NetBSD-3.0-release size
To: Travis Poppe <>
From: Michael Blatt <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 01/18/2006 17:46:09
>could it be possible for you to create a generic NetBSD 3.0 release
image of the CF
>media once you set it up?

Well. I'm not sure how useful that would be, since it took me very
little effort to build.
The wiki is extremely clear on this; I may know other BSDs but I
installed NetBSD for the first time yesterday.
Also I'm not convinced using dd is best as it will (AFAIK) constrain
you to the size of the CF card I do not have yet.
If you follow the wiki you end up with just about all you need.
There is a german wiki as well which gives a bunch of tips & tricks
post-installation, very useful. But in German.
