Subject: Re: iPAQ h3630
To: None <>
From: Robert Swindells <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 12/15/2005 20:41:05
Marco Hafke wrote:
>Thanks for answering so fast.
>> NetBSD/hpcarm is designed to be booted from WinCE.
>And how can I boot from WinCE? There's no file executable on WinCE on
>the hpcarm iso. The directory "installation" is completely empty.
Try using hpcarm/binary/kernel/netbsd-IPAQ.gz from whichever release
you want to use.
>> An h3630 supports memory cards if you have an expansion sleeve.
>I do not have one. Do I have to buy one or is there an other possibility
>to install NetBSD?
You will need some form of storage. Or some way of using an ethernet
card to connect to a server.
The CF sleeve used to be fairly inexpensive.
Robert Swindells