Subject: Re: NetBSD 2 installation on a Jornada 720
To: Richard Danter <>
From: Andreas Drewke <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 12/01/2005 16:01:21
Hallo to all,
> 1. When logged in as a normal user, I would expect to be able to 'su -'
> to become root. The user is in the 'wheel' group, but all I get is
> "Sorry" and I am back at my user prompt. Any ideas why? This seems to
> work fine on my laptop.
I am not sure, If i am right, but have you set the root password yet (passwd
logged in at root).
I thing I remember that su does not work when it isn't.
On Tuesday 11 January 2005 21:43, Richard Danter wrote:
> Hi Brad et al,
> I now have my Jornada booted up and I am able ro log in as root just
> fine. I have also created a user account. But now I have a few more
> questions - hope you don't mind!
> 2. I have a Socket LP-E ethernet card plugged in on the PCMCIA card slot
> and it is configured and working fine. If I remove the card (whilst
> power is on) I see some messages about it being unplugged, and when I
> insert it again I get more messages saying it has seen the card. Problem
> is that card doesn't seem to be configured. I have tried 'ifconfig up
> ne0" but I get an error (not configured). So it looks like the only way
> to get it back is by rebooting. Is there another way? This leads to
> question 3...
> 3. Rebooting seems to be a problem. It seems to do a complete reset
> which means I have to recalibrate the screen, enter date/time and
> restart the kernel. I also seem to have to unplug the poer and batteries
> for a while to be able to read the screen (it's too bright). Am I doing
> something wrong? Should I ever need to reboot?
> I have more questions, but they can wait - maybe I can answer them
> myself anyway.
> Thanks
> Rich
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