Subject: RE: Jornada 720 Installation Instructions, and hanging kernel
To: Martin Baute <>
From: Jason Mitchell <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 01/22/2005 18:21:24
There are two issues that I can think of that might be causing your
1) There is an issue with hpcarm (both NetBSD 1.6 and 2.0) accessing newer
flash cards. I don't know the specifics, but several other Jornada users
have mentioned this problem on this list recently. You should check the
archives to get more information.
2) With NetBSD 1.6.2, the hpcarm port required that the number of partitions
be set to 8. (The i386 port defaults to 16). Here's how you change it:
partition> ?
? print this menu
C make partitions contiguous
E print disk label and current partition table
I change label information
N name the label
P print current partition table
Q quit
R rounding (c)ylinders (s)ectors
W write the current partition table
[a-p] define named partition
partition> I
# Current values:
# /dev/wd0d:
type: unknown
disk: sg20
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 16383
total sectors: 39070080
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # microseconds
drivedata: 0
Disk type [?] [unknown]:
Disk name [sg20]:
Label name []:
Number of partitions [16]: <---- ||||| This needs to be 8 |||||
Finally, if neither of the above applies, you could try the installation
kernel at: There are
instructions in the archives here:
Jason M.
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Martin Baute
> Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2005 11:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Jornada 720 Installation Instructions, and hanging kernel
> I'm trying to install NetBSD on my Jornada 720. The best I could find
> on the net in regards to installation instructions was the OnLamp tutorial
> (,
> and that isn't much as it's quite dated.
> Using a laptop booted with a NetBSD 2.0 LiveCD, I followed the
> instructions
> in that tutorial as to how to disklabel the CF card. (I felt unsure about
> the 4.2BSD format; I seem to remember that has been updated to
> 4.4 sometime?)
> I then took the 2.0 hpcarm CD, and (with quite some trickery as the LiveCD
> reported that /tmp was full) unpacked all the *.tgz sets to the CF card.
> I skipped the, postinstall, and pax part mentioned in
> the tutorial,
> as I guessed that was already done by those assembling the hpcarm
> release CD.
> I ran /mnt/jornada/dev/MAKEDEV, created /mnt/jornada/etc/fstab as
> indicated,
> added the kernel and hpcboot.exe (build 12) to the DOS partition,
> symlinked
> the kernel to /mnt/jornada/netbsd, unmounted everything and tried to boot
> the thing in my Jornada 720.
> After some tinkering (my Jornada is German locale, and hpcboot doesn't
> offer \Speicherkarte as directory option) I got to the point where hpcboot
> asks me if I really want to boot.
> If I press "Ja" ("yes"), the Jornada freezes. (And yes, I waited
> quite some
> time to make sure.) When I reset, I get the overly bright screen. (I tried
> both "Jornada 720" and "Jornada 720 (Japanese)", gzipped and
> ungzipped kernel,
> the older 2001 kernel from the hpcarm HowTo-Page, same result everytime.)
> This is the bootlog. Any hints on what I might have done wrong, or should
> try next?
> (If I get through this, I'll write a new install-howto for this beast...)
> -------8< begin of bootlog.txt >8-------------------------------
> [progress] 0
> [progress] 1
> ARM architecture.
> MemoryManager: LockPages
> FileManager: FAT
> hpcboot build number: 12
> HP Jornada 720 (Japanese) (cpu=0x0c108000 machine=0x02c20202)
> [progress] 2
> [0] 0xc0000000 size 0x08000000
> [1] 0xc8000000 size 0x08000000
> [2] 0xd0000000 size 0x08000000
> [3] 0xd8000000 size 0x08000000
> _WIN32_WCE = 211
> GetVersionEx
> Windows CE 3.0
> GetSystemInfo:
> wProcessorArchitecture 0x5
> wProcessorLevel 0x4
> wProcessorRevision 0x8
> dwPageSize 0x1000
> dwAllocationGranularity 0x00010000
> dwProcessorType 0xa11
> Display: 640x240 16bpp
> Reg0 :6901b118
> Reg1 :c002327f
> Reg2 :c002327f
> Reg3 :00000001
> Reg5 :c0023007
> Reg6 :01fb1058
> Reg13:0a000000
> Reg14:46a98b80
> CPSR :2000001f
> [progress] 3
> [progress] 4
> open file "\Speicherkarte\netbsd.gz"(959213 byte).
> [progress] 5
> Loader: ELF
> [progress] 6
> file size: +0x1b5b84+0x48a20+[(symbol block: header 472 symbol
> 83824 string 68939 byte) = 0x25693] = 0x224693 byte
> address translation table 560 pages.(4480 byte)
> allocated 560 page. mapped 560 page.
> [progress] 7
> 2nd bootloader vaddr=0x0030f000 paddr=0xc1d2d000
> 2nd bootloader copy done.
> [progress] 8
> [0] vaddr 0xc0100000 file size 0x1b5b84 mem size 0x1b5b84
> ->load 0xc0100000+0x001b5b84=0xc02b5b84 ofs=0x00008000+0x1b5b84
> [1] vaddr 0xc02bdb84 file size 0x48a20 mem size 0x93258
> ->load 0xc02bdb84+0x00093258=0xc0350ddc ofs=0x001bdb84+0x48a20
> [zero clear] ->0xc03065a4+0x0004a838=0xc0350ddc
> ->load 0xc0350ddc+0x000001d8=0xc0350fb4
> ->load 0xc0350fb4+0x00014770=0xc0365724 ofs=0x00206bfc+0x14770
> ->load 0xc0365724+0x00010d4b=0xc037646f ofs=0x0021b36c+0x10d4b
> [progress] 9
> load link 552 zero clear link 1.
> kernel entry address: 0xc0100000
> framebuffer: 640x240 type=5 linebytes=1280 addr=0x48200000
> console = 1
> [progress] 10
> --------8< end of bootlog.txt >8--------------------------------
> Regards,
> --
> Martin Baute