Subject: Re: new cf-card wont boot
To: Steven Murray <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 12/15/2004 07:18:28
On Dec 15, 2004, at 6:55 AM, Steven Murray wrote:
> Which CF cards are everyone using (that fit in the compact flash
> socket) that are of a decent speed? Im looking at a sandisk ultra 512
> at the momenr (maybe 1gb). Currently using the kingston 1GB normal
> compact flash.
It should be noted that Sandisk and Kingston are primarily sticker
printers. As in they buy other peoples' NAND flash and put stickers on
a plate... So you never know from one package to another what you're
actually getting.
My employer buys hundreds of CF cards a month. Kingston is what we've
settled on for having the least variance out of all of them.
They may specify minimum speed, capacity, and other factors but that's
about it.
Personally, for my Jornada, I have a 256MB Sandisk, and a 1GB IBM
Microdrive. I haven't tried any of the 1GB CF cards.