Subject: Re: Request for review: "Installing NetBSD on a Jornada" article
To: Michael W . Lucas <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 04/17/2003 07:58:05
> Sorry, I didn't mean to stomp on your work. Please accept my
> apologies.
No problem, it's my punishment for being too lazy: the paper have been
in my pipes since last summer.
What is your title? I was to call mine "daemons in my pocket"
> HP recently discontinued the Jornada 728. I was unable to get a new
> one, even direct from HP in the US.
What's more frustrating is that they don't sell any accessories anymore,
and it seems the original battery is getting quickly less efficient than
it was once.
Emmanuel Dreyfus