Subject: Re: cannot boot on jornada 720
To: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
From: John Mitchell <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 07/08/2002 21:24:56

On Monday, July 8, 2002, at 02:00 PM, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:

>>     Seems to me that you could still partition things up. NetBSD would
>> just ignore the MSDOS partition and not allow you to mount it or what
>> not.
> How do you make partitions into the flash? From Wince? From NetBSD?

    I use a CF card to PCMCIA adapter to work with the card in a machine 
(Laptop preferably, but you can get PCMCIA/CF card docks for desktops.). 
I have used the GNU fdisk util or the disk util with Mac OS X (yeah, a 
linux guy that likes Macs) to partition the flash into pieces and then 
put things on them. Hope that helps!

    Thanks for the root filesystem creation tips!! They are great, and 
give me ALOT more than I had to go on before.

> --
> Emmanuel Dreyfus.
> Avec Windows 3.1 ils etaient au bord du gouffre...
> Avec Windows 95 ils ont fait un grand bon en avant.

Thanks again!
    John P. Mitchell