Subject: gcc-3.0.1 / strongarm-netbsd-elf: Translation fault
To: None <>
From: Thomas Müller <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 09/22/2001 11:37:34
Hello hpcarm-users!
I've compiled a hpcarm kernel using gcc-3.0.1, but unfortunately the boot
process aborts just before mounting the filesystem from CF (kernel messages
see below).
I know that it works fine with gcc-2.9.x, but it is easier to setup a
toolchain using gcc-3.0.1 (works straight out of the box)
Any ideas?
Loader: ELF
file size: +0x368398+[(symbol block: header 564 string 99079 symbol 123296
= 0x366dc] = 0x39f6dc byte
address translation table 944 pages.(7552 byte)
allocated 944 page. mapped 944 page.
2nd bootloader vaddr=0x0049f000 paddr=0xc1d14000
2nd bootloader copy done.
[0] vaddr 0xc0040000 file size 0x368398 mem size 0x3ad1cc
->load 0xc0040000+0x003ad1cc=0xc03ed1cc ofs=0x00008000+0x368398
[zero clear] ->0xc03a8398+0x00044e34=0xc03ed1cc
->load 0xc03ed1cc+0x00000234=0xc03ed400
->load 0xc03ed400+0x00018307=0xc0405707 ofs=0x0038ec9c+0x18307
->load 0xc0405708+0x0001e1a0=0xc04238a8 ofs=0x00370afc+0x1e1a0
load link 933 zero clear link 1.
kernel entry address: 0xc0040000
framebuffer: 640x240 type=5 linebytes=1280 addr=0x48200000
console = 2
File: FAT
Bank#0 0xc0000000 size 0x08000000
Bank#1 0xc8000000 size 0x08000000
Bank#2 0xd0000000 size 0x08000000
Bank#3 0xd8000000 size 0x08000000
[DISPLAY] 640x240 16bpp
frame buffer physical address: 0xa2400000
frame buffer length: 0x00080000
Reg0 :6901b118
Reg1 :c002327f
Reg2 :c002327f
Reg3 :00000001
Reg5 :c0023007
Reg6 :000e0020
CPSR :400000df
open file "\Speicherkarte2\netbsd.gz"(678060 byte).
Loader: ELF
file size: +0x12a4b4+[(symbol block: header 564 string 74758 symbol 93200
= 0x2924c] = 0x15424c byte
address translation table 352 pages.(2816 byte)
allocated 352 page. mapped 352 page.
2nd bootloader vaddr=0x0024f000 paddr=0xc1b04000
2nd bootloader copy done.
[0] vaddr 0xc0040000 file size 0x12a4b4 mem size 0x15ddcc
->load 0xc0040000+0x0015ddcc=0xc019ddcc ofs=0x00008000+0x12a4b4
[zero clear] ->0xc016a4b4+0x00033918=0xc019ddcc
->load 0xc019ddcc+0x00000234=0xc019e000
->load 0xc019e000+0x00012406=0xc01b0406 ofs=0x00149824+0x12406
->load 0xc01b0408+0x00016c10=0xc01c7018 ofs=0x00132c14+0x16c10
load link 343 zero clear link 1.
kernel entry address: 0xc0040000
framebuffer: 640x240 type=5 linebytes=1280 addr=0x48200000
console = 2
[ using 168524 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
kernsize=0x18c000 (including 0x2924c symbols)
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 1.5Y (MYKERNEL) #0: Thu Sep 20 03:28:16 CEST 2001
total memory = 32768 KB
avail memory = 27408 KB
using 307 buffers containing 1740 KB of memory
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: SA-1110 rev 8 (SA-1 core) DC enabled IC enabled WB enabled
saip0 at mainbus0
saost0 at saip0 addr 0x90000000-0x9000001f
saost0: SA-11x0 OS Timer
sacom0 at saip0 addr 0xd000d000-0xd000d023 intr 17
sacom0: unknown SA11x0 UART
sacom0: console
sacc0 at saip0 addr 0x40000000-0x40001fff
sacc0: SA1111 rev 2.1
sacpcic0 at sacc0
pcmcia0 at sacpcic0
pcmcia1 at sacpcic0
sed0 at saip0
sed0: Epson SED1356
sed0: framebuffer address: 0x48200000
hpcfb0 at sed0
wsdisplay0 at hpcfb0
hpcfb: 640x240 pixels, 65536 colors, 80x24 chars
hpcfb: 640x240 pixels, 65536 colors, 80x24 chars
wsdisplay0: screen 0-1 added (std, vt100 emulation)
j720ssp0 at saip0 addr 0x80070000-0x800700ff
wskbd0 at j720ssp0 mux 1
ipl_bio=00020002 ipl_net=00020002 ipl_tty=00020002 ipl_imp=00020002
ipl_audio=00020002 ipl_imp=00020002 ipl_high=00020002 ipl_serial=00020002
clock: hz=100 stathz = 64
sacpcic0: card present
wdc0 at pcmcia1 function 0
wd0 at wdc0 channel 0 drive 0: <CFA>
wd0: drive supports 1-sector PIO transfers, LBA addressing
wd0: 64128 KB, 501 cyl, 8 head, 32 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 128256 sectors
boot device: <unknown>
root device: wd0a
dump device (default wd0b): wd0b
file system (default generic): ffs
root on wd0a dumps on wd0b
Non-emulated page fault with intr_depth > 0
Data abort: 'Translation fault (page)' status=007 address=c137d000
Stopped at sa11x0_bs_rm_2_fastloop+0x30: stmia r3!, {r1, r4-r5,
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