Subject: Re: very cool.
To: Herb Peyerl <>
From: IWAMOTO Toshihiro <>
List: port-hpcarm
Date: 07/19/2001 23:36:12
At Thu, 19 Jul 2001 07:05:16 -0600,
Herb Peyerl wrote:
> 1) where's the "/" key. The joy of NetBSD on the jornada is somewhat attenuated
> by my inability to type "/". :) This is the japanese keymap I presume. There's
> a couple other missing keys that I don't much care about but the '/' is fairly
> crucial.
The's code
says "/" is keycode 120.
As I don't have a US model, could you try something like
$ wsconsctl -w "map+=keycode 120=slash question"
and tell me how the keymap should be?
If you find difficulty finding right keycodes, I'll build a debug
kernel with printfs in sys/arch/hpcarm/dev/j720ssp.c.
> 3) is there any way to avoid having to pull the battery to reboot and have to
> recalibrate your stylus every time? The wonder and joy of that experience is
> beginning to wane somewhat.
I tried to resolve this problem by zeroing the whole RAM with no
success. I suppose some hardware tweaking before reboot is necessary.
But good news is that you can skip the calibration and boot without
using the stylus by setting "Auto boot" in hpcarm option tab. ;-)
> 5) is the audio on the jornada hooked up to the MCP or is there a seperate
> audio device? says there is a UDA1341 attached to SA1111's audio
interface. But audio driver has very low priority in my TODO list.
IWAMOTO Toshihiro