Subject: Re: Support for 800s machines?
To: None <>
From: Chris Amthor <>
List: port-hp700
Date: 10/13/2004 18:45:04

Paul Weissmann <> wrote:


> Some functionality however was taken over from other, more obscure
> 800s servers and was implemented via devices attached to the HP-PB
> bus.

Probably a silly question, but what is the HP-PB bus?


> This means that eg the SCSI controller is not supported (by any
> open-source OS), which renders a server quite useless.

Oh. Umhh. So I'm stuck to HP-UX on this machine?

> The ethernet and console should work though.

So I can use it as a terminal, what is totally useless since I have to
attach a terminal to use it as one...


Q: How is "SunOS" spelled?
A: As one speaks it. With capital "S-O-S".