Subject: Re: Success: kernel compile
To: Chuck Silvers <>
From: Jochen Kunz <>
List: port-hp700
Date: 10/10/2003 18:58:18
On 2003.10.10 17:11 Chuck Silvers wrote:
> the openbsd guys have written some lasi code recently.
> one of the many things to pull over.
First I want to get a single user shell. Then I will extend hardware
support (a HP9k C240 is on the way to me. It should be usable in 32 bit
> I've been netbooting with the netbsd version of the boot loader.
> seems to work fine, although I think GENERIC is now too large.
> I had to remove a bunch of options to get it to boot this morning.
Where did you get the boot loader? I am on the way to build one, but it
is broken. I fixed a include bug already, more to come soon.
> ok, they're checked in. I tweaked the tabbing in a few places to make
> things line up again.
Good that you had reviewed them.
I didn't converted milli.S. It looks to me that it isn't used.
(From inside the kernel. I haven't investigated this yet.)