Subject: Installation story - NetBSD to hp300 system
To: None <>
From: Juha Laiho <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/04/2006 17:02:33
I have here a hp300 system (hp9000/425) on which I wanted to
do a fresh NetBSD install.
However, I don't have any other NetBSD machine available, which
made things a bit more difficult (or then I just made things in
a difficult way).
I do have a Linux system to use as a helper, though - so what
I ended up doing was:
- set up rbootd on Linux
- set up the Linux system (SuSE 9.3, with kernel) as
NFS server and bootp/dhcp server, providing root file system
(with base and etc filesets) and swap area for diskless booting
This version of Linux appears to have the NFS layer working - or
at least I didn't get any unpleasant surprises. I also copied over
the SYS_INST boot image and miniroot image into the exported
directory, to have them available for the client.
- boot the "diskless" system from the above set-up
- clear out the installed disk (just to be sure)
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd0c bs=512 count=1024
- label the disk
disklabel -e -I sd0
- offset of sd0a needs to be 200 sectors, to leave room for boot code,
as described in's%20partition%20table
- swap partition type can be 4.2BSD for now
- make the disk bootable
disklabel -B -b /path/to/SYS_INST sd0
- copy miniroot image over to sd0b (swap partition)
dd if=/path/to/miniroot of=/dev/sd0b obs=512
- reset system, boot from SYS_INST on local disk
- on miniroot needs a correction, thus
root-fs (miniroot) needs to be remounted read-write;
for the correction see my other message on port-hp300
mailing list
- no need to label the disk any more
- install and enjoy
The non-availability of X server was a disappointment, though.
Hopefully this sees some improvement in the future.
Wolf a.k.a. Juha Laiho Espoo, Finland
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"...cancel my subscription to the resurrection!" (Jim Morrison)