Subject: HP-IB spec?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/22/2005 21:19:42
Since it appears my bootrom rev doesn't know how to netboot, and
doesn't even recognize this SCSI card as a SCSI card, it looks as
though I have to boot over HP-IB.
The problem, of course, is a lack of HP-IB disk. (I have maybe
500+100+100M of it, I think the 100M disks don't work, and it's been at
least a year since I tried the half-gig disk.)
I have an IEEE488 Sbus card, but no information on the interface it
persents to the host, so that's not much use. So I was thinking, how
complex is it? Is it something I could drive off a generic parallel
port with some glue logic? Some poking around indicates that there is
no reason this couldn't be done - for example, the interface is
(almost) entirely async and thus can run at slow data rates - but while
I've been able to find some information on the lowest level of the
protocols (in particular the NRFD-DAV-NDAC handshake) I haven't found
anything above that, and in particular not enough for me to make the
parallel-port host look like a disk to the hp300.
Is this information available? Presumably it once existed, and likely
still does in some engineers' heads....
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