Subject: Re: HP Apollo 425e
To: None <>
From: Arne Hoffmann <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 03/17/2002 13:46:55
# Kevin <> wrote:

> > > [HP Apollo 9000/425e]
> > > Is it supported in NetBSD?
> >
> > Yes and no - as far as I remember it uses some weird framebuffer but it
> > should work with serial console ( or maybe you could plug in another
> > DIO-II graphics board... )
> No, you cannot plug anything into it - Its all onboard. Nice box though.
> Installation is a little bit difficullt, but it is possible. You have to
> operate them headless, and serial port doesn't really work either. If
> somebody is interested, I could wip up a little howto how to install these
> boxen. I have installed NetBSD on one here and it works a treat.

I would be *very* interested. Lately I got two of these 425e and would
really like to get them running. 

As far as I understood there is no possibility to redirect the boot rom
messages to the serial port and also NetBSD doesn't support the framebuffer
device on these machines ... so I really don't know how to start.
