Subject: hp425 kernel panic with DCM ports
To: None <>
From: Chris Rupnik <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 07/05/1999 18:14:54
Ok, made a lot of progress with the serial ports. I am now able to run a
getty off the tty0 port and that port seems to work perfectly, but not the
tty00 ports (DCM)
I can connect using tty00 via cu to my alpha running a getty however, and
i get this
ptrap: bad kernel read access at 0xaa
trap type 8,code 0x525, v = 0xaa
kernel program counter = 0xca3ca
kernel: MMU fault trap
pid = -1 , pc = 000CA3CA, ps = 2304, sfc = 1, dfc = 1
lots of numbers deleted
panic: MMU fault
Stopped at _Debugger+0x6: unlk a6
db > trace
_Debugger(2304,5e2bc8,8,29204,5e2bb4) + 6
_panic(dd937,0,1,1,0) + 52
_trap(8,525,aa) + 234
_dcmsetischeme(0,0,0,3,0) + 58
_dcmintr(1c16c80,0,0,5dd000,5e2d28) + 1fc
_intr_dispatch(6c) + 80
_mi_switch(580001,1,0,0,2004) + a
_tsleep(581008,119,2e528,0,581008) + 162
_ttysleep(581000,581008,119,2e528,0) + 20
_ttread(581000,5e2ef8,0,0,5e2e04) + 298
_iteread(d00,5e2ef8,0,0,5e2e6c) + 46
_cnread(0,5e2ef8,0,0,1c16b00) + 52
_spec_read(5e2ea8,1,5e2ebc,4447c,5e2ea8) + a8
_nfsspec_read(5e2ea8) + 4e
_vn_read(580024,58003c,5e2ef8,1c16b00,1) + ba
_dofileread(5713a8,0,580024,ffeff997,1) + 7e
_sys_read(5713a8,582f88,5e2f80) + 4a
_syscall(3) + 118
_trap0() + e
I have tried this with either just one or both of my DCM cards installed,
always the same thing.
Should i send-pr this?
NetBSD 1.4 (GENERIC) #2: Fri May 7 21:37:43 PDT 1999
HP 9000/425 (25MHz MC68040 CPU+MMU+FPU, 4k on-chip physical I/D caches)
cpu: delay divisor 30, mmuid 7
real mem = 33542144
avail mem = 26624000
using 818 buffers containing 3350528 bytes of memory
Parity detection enabled
hil1: US ASCII keyboard
mainbus0 (root)
intio0 at mainbus0
frodo0 at intio0 addr 0x41c000
dnkbd at frodo0 offset 0x0 not configured
apci at frodo0 offset 0x20 not configured
apci0 at frodo0 offset 0x40: no fifo
apci1 at frodo0 offset 0x60: no fifo
dio0 at mainbus0: 98620C, 2 channels, 32 bit DMA
nhpib0 at dio0 scode 7 ipl 3: internal HP-IB
hpibbus0 at nhpib0
ct0 at hpibbus0 slave 3 punit 0: 9144 streaming tape
rd0 at hpibbus0 slave 4 punit 0
hpibbus0: swait timeout
hpibbus0: swait timeout
hpibbus0: swait timeout
: 7958A
rd0: 1013 cylinders, 7 heads, 255276 blocks, 512 bytes/block
ppi0 at hpibbus0 slave 5 punit 0
dca0 at dio0 scode 9 ipl 5: working fifo
internal parallel at dio0 scode 12 not configured
oscsi0 at dio0 scode 14 ipl 4: 32 bit dma, async, scsi id 7
st0 at oscsi0 targ 3 lun 0: <HP, HP35450A -A, BE00> (SCSI-2)
sd0 at oscsi0 targ 4 lun 0: <HP, 2213A, C023>
sd0: 1457 cylinders, 16 heads, 1296512 blocks, 512 bytes/block
sd1 at oscsi0 targ 6 lun 0: <HP, 2213A, C023>
sd1: 1457 cylinders, 16 heads, 1296512 blocks, 512 bytes/block
le0 at dio0 scode 21 ipl 5: address 08:00:09:13:b5:f9
le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
dcm0 at dio0 scode 26 ipl 3
dcm1 at dio0 scode 27 ipl 3
dcm2 at dio0 scode 28 ipl 3
dcm3 at dio0 scode 29 ipl 3
topcat0 at dio0 scode 133: 1280 x 1024 256 color hi-res catseye display
grf0 at topcat0
ite0 at grf0: console
interrupt levels: bio = 4, net = 5, tty = 5
boot device: le0
nfs_boot: trying RARP (and RPC/bootparam)
nfs_boot: client_addr=0xc0c578d4 (RARP from 0xc0c578ca)
nfs_boot: server_addr=0xc0c578ca
nfs_boot: hostname=hp300
root on alpha:/usr/netbsd/hp300
WARNING: bad date in battery clock
root file system type: nfs