Subject: random freezes on hp300 running current
To: None <>
From: Thorsten Frueauf <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/19/1998 21:53:10

For some weeks I have an annoying problem with my HP 9000/400T running
NetBSD-current (latest kernel build from 16.08.1998 sources) and I am
not sure if it is hardware specific or a kernel bug.

The symptoms:

After random times, sometimes immediatly after loading the kernel,
sometime while fsck'ing the disks, sometimes after minutes or hours
running in multiuser without problems, the system just hangs. No
"heartbeat" with the LED, no keystroke changing anything - just

For two times I had a real panic, details below.

I opened the machine, freed it from dust (even innternals of the power supply)
and did look for obvious burned parts - nothing.

So there are 2 possibilities:

	1) The machine has some heat problems which show up now after
           years of reliabily running.

	2) Some bug in the kernel that makes it freeze.

Unfortunalty I don't have a kernel with debugging symbols yet - I will try
to build one, but this may take some time, as I visit the machine only
twice the week for 1-2 hours, and unfortunatly most of the last time
it only run 30 minutes up to 3 hours after leaving it, so it may take
several attempts to finallize a kernel build (which takes 3 hours if
there are no problems at all).

So if anyone has an idea on how to track this down I would really be
happy to hear about. As I am not yet sure that this is a software
bug I did not send-pr this yet. Should I?

The facts:

It runs NetBSD-current with a kernel build from sources suped at 16.8.1998.
The compiler is egcs-1.0.2, the one in the tree before the 1.1 merge.
As UVM is default for hp300 now it runs UVM of course.


Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998
    The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
    The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.

NetBSD 1.3G (CYBERSIL) #2: Wed Aug 19 17:28:21 MEST 1998
HP 9000/400 (50MHz MC68030 CPU+MMU, 50MHz MC68882 FPU, 32K physical-address cach
cpu: delay divisor 40, mmuid 5
real mem  = 16764928
avail mem = 12439552
using 409 buffers containing 1675264 bytes of memory
Parity detection enabled
hil1: US ASCII keyboard
mainbus0 (root)
intio0 at mainbus0
frodo0 at intio0 addr 0x41c000
dnkbd at frodo0 offset 0x0 not configured
apci at frodo0 offset 0x20 not configured
apci0 at frodo0 offset 0x40: no fifo
apci1 at frodo0 offset 0x60: no fifo
dio0 at mainbus0: 98620C, 2 channels, 32 bit DMA
nhpib0 at dio0 scode 7 ipl 3: internal HP-IB
hpibbus0 at nhpib0
ppi0 at hpibbus0 slave 5 punit 0
dca0 at dio0 scode 9 ipl 5: working fifo
device id = 0x6 secid = 0x0 at dio0 scode 12 not configured
oscsi0 at dio0 scode 14 ipl 4: 32 bit dma, async, scsi id 7
sd0 at oscsi0 targ 5 lun 0: <RODIME, RO3000T, 5.75>
sd0: 1216 cylinders, 9 heads, 410211 blocks, 512 bytes/block
sd1 at oscsi0 targ 6 lun 0: <QUANTUM, LIGHTNING 730S, 241E> (SCSI-2)
sd1: 3658 cylinders, 4 heads, 1431760 blocks, 512 bytes/block
le0 at dio0 scode 21 ipl 5: address 08:00:09:11:95:c4
le0: 8 receive buffers, 2 transmit buffers
hyper0 at dio0 scode 133: 1280 x 1024 monochrome hyperion display
grf0 at hyper0
ite0 at grf0: console
interrupt levels: bio = 4, net = 5, tty = 5
boot device: sd0
root on sd0a dumps on sd0b
root file system type: ffs

-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   1167221 Aug 19 18:16 netbsd.0
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  16765460 Aug 19 18:16 netbsd.0.core

[milano@cybersil]/usr/local/crash# gdb netbsd.0 netbsd.0.core 
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
 under certain conditions; type "show copying" to see the conditions.
There is absolutely no warranty for GDB; type "show warranty" for details.
GDB 4.16 (m68k-netbsd), Copyright 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc...
(no debugging symbols found)...

"/usr/local/crash/netbsd.0.core" is not a core dump: File format not recognized

trap type 6, code = 0x0, v = 0x0
kernel program counter = 0x1ef6
pid = -1, pc = 00001EF6, ps = 2008, sfc = 1, dfc = 1
             0        1        2        3        4        5        6        7
dreg: 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 004831F0 00000000 00000040
areg: 0053F000 35DAF8EF 01CFA700 01CAAC34 01D37F00 01D37F00 00540BF4 FFEFF7E0

Kernel stack (00540B2C):
540B2C: 000C2DDA 00540B80 00000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 004831F0 00000000
540B4C: 00000040 01CFA700 01CAAC34 01D37F00 01D37F00 00000007 00000000 00000000
540B6C: 00540BF4 000018C4 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 FFFFFFFF 00000000
540B8C: 00000000 00000000 004831F0 00000000 00000040 0053F000 35DAF8EF 01CFA700
540BAC: 01CAAC34 01D37F00 01D37F00 00540BF4 FFEFF7E0 00000000 20080000 1EF60020
540BCC: 00020120 01CAAC34 00000000 00002404 00000000 004831F0 01CAAC34 004831F0
540BEC: 35DAF8EF 000BAAD4 00540C18 0001FC74 00002004 00002400 00100000 00000017
540C0C: 00000000 00002000 004831F0 00540C3C 000367AA 004831F0 00000011 00036766
540C2C: 00000000 00000000 00000280 004831F0 00540C98 000370FA 004831F0 00000000
540C4C: 00058000 00000018 00002000 00001000 00000000 00000017 01C60800 01CDD400
540C6C: 01D37F00 00000000 00000017 000D349C 004831F0 00040000 00000000 00000000
540C8C: 00001000 000E7D2E 02800000 00540D2C 000921FC 01D37F00 00000000 00058000
540CAC: 00000017 00002000 FFFFFFFF 00540D28 00001000 0002E000 00000001 00000000
540CCC: 00000001 00000000 01D37F00 01D37F00 02400000 00540DDC 00002000 0000000D
540CEC: 00000000 00058000 00001FFF 00000000 00540D78 00540D5C 01D37F8C 00540D28
540D0C: 0004011E 00540D1C 00001000 01D37F00 000D320C 01D37F00 00000018 004831F0
panic: Privilege violation
syncing disks... 4 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 giving up

include "arch/hp300/conf/std.hp300"
options		HP400

maxusers	32

options 	COMPAT_43	# compatibility with 4.3BSD interfaces
options 	COMPAT_44	# compatibility with 4.4BSD binaries
options 	COMPAT_09	# compatibility with NetBSD 0.9
options 	COMPAT_10	# compatibility with NetBSD 1.0
options 	COMPAT_11	# compatibility with NetBSD 1.1
options 	COMPAT_12	# compatibility with NetBSD 1.2
options		COMPAT_13	# compatibility with NetBSD 1.3
options 	SYSVSHM		# System V-style shared memory
options 	SYSVSEM		# System V-style semaphores
options 	SYSVMSG		# System V-style message queues
options 	KTRACE		# system call tracing support
options 	NKMEMCLUSTERS=2048	# 4K pages in kernel malloc pool
options		SCSIVERBOSE	# Verbose SCSI errors

file-system 	FFS		# fast filesystem
file-system	CD9660		# CD-ROM ISO-9660 filesystem
file-system 	NFS		# Network filesystem client
file-system 	UNION		# Union filesystem (req. for FDESC)
file-system 	KERNFS		# kernel data-structure filesystem
file-system 	FDESC		# user file descriptor filesystem
file-system 	PROCFS		# /proc filesystem
file-system 	MFS		# Memory-based filesystem

options		NFSSERVER	# Network filesystem server

options		INET		# Internet protocols

options		FPSP		# floating point interface for 68040
options		USELEDS		# make the lights twinkle
options		COMPAT_NOLABEL	# defaults for unlabeled disks
options		UK_KEYBOARD	# include United Kingdom HIL keymap

options 	COMPAT_HPUX	# HP-UX binary compatibility

options 	COMPAT_M68K4K	# compat. with NetBSD/m68k4k binaries

config		netbsd root on ? type ? dumps on ?

mainbus0	at root		# root "bus"

intio0		at mainbus0	# internal i/o space
dio0		at mainbus0	# DIO/DIO-II bus

frodo0		at intio?

apci*		at frodo? offset ?	# tty flavor

hyper*		at dio? scode ?

grf*		at hyper?

ite*		at grf?

dca0		at dio? scode 9	flags 1	# DCA serial interfaces
dca*		at dio? scode ?

dcm*		at dio? scode ?	flags 0xe # DCM 4- or 8-port serial interfaces

le*		at dio? scode ?		# LANCE ethernet interfaces

nhpib0		at dio? scode 7		# slow internal HP-IB
nhpib*		at dio? scode ?

fhpib*		at dio? scode ?		# `fast' HP-IB

hpibbus0	at nhpib0
hpibbus*	at nhpib?
hpibbus*	at fhpib?

rd*		at hpibbus? slave ? punit ?	# HP-IB disks
ct*		at hpibbus? slave ? punit ?	# HP-IB cartridge tapes
mt*		at hpibbus? slave ? punit ?	# HP-IB 9-track tape
ppi0		at hpibbus0 slave 5 punit 0	# HP-IB plotter

oscsi*		at dio? scode ?		# Old HP SCSI

sd*		at oscsi? target ? lun ?	# SCSI disks
st*		at oscsi? target ? lun ?	# SCSI tapes
ac*		at oscsi? target ? lun ?	# SCSI changers

pseudo-device	pty		64	# pseudo ptys
pseudo-device	bpfilter	16	# Berkeley packet filter
pseudo-device	vnd		4	# vnode pseudo-disks
pseudo-device	ccd		4	# concatenated disk devices
pseudo-device	loop			# loopback network interface

Thanx for any help in advance!
