Subject: Re: hppa port?
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Steve Bryant <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 04/29/1998 17:16:56
> Has anyone thought on or perhaps already started with doing a port
> to the HP-9000/800 (hppa) series of computers? I know that this
> subject has already beed raised within the OpenBSD group and that
> they thinks that this should be "relativly easy" (due to some
> existing Mach/BSD port).

The Mach port had official support from HP; I am not aware that the
code written (by HP) was made publicly available though.  The Mach
kernel has "personalities" (like BSD and Linux); I think they were
probably thinking about porting all of the stuff outside of the
kernel - the Mach kernel would emulate the BSD one at a system
call level, hence its "personality".  I don't actually know whether
NetBSD and OpenBSD have identical sets of system calls (ie: in the
same order, with same parameters).

Although you can get books on the PA-RISC instruction set, I'm not
sure that HP has released all the info you'd need to get an OS
running on a PA-RISC box.  Hopfully, I'm wrong about this.  If not,
I'd be inclined to wait for the next generation of HP processor
which supports other instruction sets as well as PA-RISC (ie: i386).

Stephen Bryant
Application Support Engineer
Internet/WWW Solutions, Application Services Europe,
Hewlett-Packard GmbH, Boeblingen, Germany
"Luke - view the source" -- Obi Wan Zawinski