Subject: Equipment
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Len Harold <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 04/15/1998 09:35:31
OK guys, I have a deal for someone.  I noticed that people are needing
parts and I have a bunch of HP 300s and parts sitting around here but I
don't have time to sell this stuff piece by piece.  So if someone has a
couple of grand sitting around and would like to make some money I will
surplus all of our HP 300s (probably about a dozen and spare parts) to

You will need someway to pick up this stuff as shipping all of it would
eat up any profits you could think of making. 

Don't email me about parts that you want, I don't have time for it.

This deal will be done _email_only_.
(unless our secretary wants to talk about the money issues)

Len Harold
  ___     ___    ___  ________  ______
 /|  |   /\  \  /|  \|\   _   \/\   __\      Len Harold
| |  |   \ \   - |   \ \  \_\ /_ \  \_/
| |   \   \ \  \ _|\  \ \   _   \ \  \___    Phone: 208-555-7034
| |    \   \ \__\/\ \__\ \__\ \__\ \_____\   Fax:   208-555-6840
| |*    |   \/__/  \/__/\/__/\/__/\/_____/   Email:
|/\     |/\                                  Web:
 \/        \_/\
 /|            |   Microelectronics Research
| |            |   and Communications Institute
| |____________|   at the University of Idaho